HurryPorter iOS

A simple and easy use networking library for Android / iOS , It's cross platform :D

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Aboue Hook function

if you want use hook, need to implement HurryPorterHookDelegate.
below is some exmaple.

Hook for CheckResponse

This delegate call when get server response data. (if connection is success and no server error)
return true or false decide HurryPorter callback onSuccess or onFailed.

class HookTestCheckResponse : HurryPorterHookDelegateCheckResponse{
    func verifyData(porter: HurryPorter, json: [String : AnyObject]?, raw: String) -> Bool {
        NSLog("on hook.verifyData:" + raw)
        guard let dict = json else{
            return false
        if let status = dict["status"] as? NSNumber{
            let code = status.integerValue
            if code == 1000 {
                return true
        if let status = dict["status"] as? String{
            if status == "1000"{
                return true
        return false
    func errorMessage(porter: HurryPorter, json: [String : AnyObject]?, raw: String) -> String? {
        return "Just Error"